October 2005

Monster Cards
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning  (From Limited)
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Fiber Jar 
Magical Scientist
Makyura the Destructor
Sinister Serpent (From Limited)
Tribe-Infecting Virus (From Limited)
Witch of the Black Forest

Spell Cards
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Change of Heart
Delinquent Duo  (From Limited)
Graceful Charity (From Limited)
Harpie's Feather Duster
Mirage of Nightmare
Monster Reborn
Painful Choice
Pot of Greed (From Limited)
The Forceful Sentry

Trap Cards
Imperial Order
Mirror Force (From Limited)
Ring of Destruction (From Limited)
Sixth Sense (OCG)

Monster Cards
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Cyber Jar
Dark Magician of Chaos
D.D. Warrior Lady
Exiled Force
Exodia the Forbidden One
Injection Fairy Lily
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Magician of Faith (From Unlimited)
Marshmallon (OCG)
Morphing Jar
Night Assailant (From Semi-Limited)
Protector of the Sanctuary
Reflect Bounder
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Thousand-Eyes Restrict (From Unlimited)
Tsukuyomi (From Unlimited)
Twin-Headed Behemoth

Spell Cards
Book of Moon (From Unlimited)
Book of Taiyou (From Unlimited)
Card Destruction
Confiscation (From Forbidden)
Dark Hole (From Forbidden)
Heavy Storm
Lightning Vortex
Limiter Removal (From Unlimited)
Mage Power
Metamorphosis (From Unlimited)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Premature Burial
Scapegoat (From Unlimited)
Snatch Steal
Swords of Revealing Light
United We Stand

Trap Cards
Call of the Haunted
Crush Card Virus (OCG)
Deck Devastation Virus
Exchange of the Spirit
Magic Cylinder
Reckless Greed
Torrential Tribute

Monster Cards
Abyss Soldier
Manticore of Darkness

Spell Cards
Creature Swap
Emergency Provisions
Level Limit - Area B
Reinforcement of the Army
Upstart Goblin

Trap Cards
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Gravity Bind
Last Turn

Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow (From Semi-Limited)
Marauding Captain (From Semi-Limited)
Vampire Lord (From Semi-Limited)

Legal Cards
LOB - Legend of Blue Eyes
MRD - Metal Raiders
SRL - Spell Rulers
PSV - Pharaoh's Servant
LON - Labyrinth of Nightmare
LOD - Legacy of Darkness
PGD - Pharaonic Guardian
MFC - Magician's Force
DCR - Dark Crisis
IOC - Invasion of Chaos
AST - Ancient Sanctuary
SOD - Soul of the Duelist
RDS - Rise of Destiny
FET - Flaming Eternity
TLM - The Lost Millennium
CRV - Cybernetic Revolution
EEN - Elemental Energy (November)
SOI - Shadow of Infinity (February)